
What to do if you have chinese drywall ?

… If you are a home-owner in Florida, Louisiana, Virginia, or Tennessee and your home was constructed or re-walled during 2001-2008, you need to have an answer to the question.

… If you or a family member is experiencing health issues including: headaches, nose bleeds respiratory problems and even skin rashes; you need to have an answer to the question.

… If you are buying, selling or renting in the above states, you need have an answer to the question.

Here we will learn what to do if you have chinese drywall. We will also learn about the frequently asked questions that surround it and hopefully dispel and debunk some myths that chinese drywall is associated with,. You have probably heard about all of the horrendous Toxic chinese drywall symptoms that people claim to have gotten. This is a very true reality for some people. But we need to start with the facts. 

It has been likened to Chinese drywall asbestos by some health professionals. 


Let us begin and start by asking the question:

What is chinese drywall?

Chinese drywall is essentially a contaminated plasterboard. This is a building material that is cheap, and quick to use. It is often used for internal walls, where there does not need to be a foundation, or to make sure there is a smooth surface. This drywall is made of gypsum which is kiln dried between two pieces of paper. One would think it is the perfect building material.

This is where chinese drywall comes in. This contaminated material actually  gives off gases and many health problems. Let us explore this in more detail.

How to identify chinese drywall

There are many ways to do this. We can recognise this from Chinese drywall smell. It has been known to give us a sulphurous smell, and can look very black from mould and water damage. This has also been known to cause serious health problems in some cases including chinese drywall syndrome

Chinese drywall remediation

So – how do we get rid of this terrible building material once and for all? There is a chinese drywall Remediation protocol put in place for people who have this scourge in their home. Let us find out more about the protocol, and the process that you will need if you have chinese drywall problems.Chinese drywall lab testing may be needed, and this will potentially add to the cost. You can purchase a Chinese drywall test kit home depot if you are suspicious in your home. 

What is chinese drywall remediation?

This is the process of fixing your drywall so it does not cause any health concerns. This can often cost a lot especially if most of the internal walls of your home are made of this material. It will include rewiring as well as re fitting electrical outlets, and more. You will find Chinese drywall symptoms pictures by searching online. 

How to test for chinese drywall?

Chinese drywall testing is thorough and it has to be done correct

Chinese drywall test kit

First – if you are not sure, you may need a test kit. These will set you back around $40 (£27). 

This will help you identify the signs of chinese drywall

When was chinese drywall used for which years?

This type of building material was most prominent in 2002-2009. It is found in a lot of these homes, but a lot of people do not know that it is in their home until it is too late, and has ruined their homes aesthetic and safety. This is why if you suspect it to be in your home you should seek action and preventive measures. 

Where was chinese drywall used

This toxic plasterboard was predominantly used in a certain area of the US. This area included Florida, California, and Virginia.

Chinese drywall florida builders

Builders in Florida and other areas used this material a lot in newer builds at the time. It has been the talking point of many discussions and arguments over the years including a chinese drywall Lawsuit and cases of chinese drywall Litigation throughout the community of residents with Chinese drywall florida, and indeed the world. 

Chinese drywall Scandal settlement – this was very significant and made the manufacturers own up to bad workmanship, as well as give the victims some financial support. 

Chinese drywall in Florida maps reveals the extent of this epidemic. It has also been found in browngreer and california, including Bella casa fort myers chinese drywall.

Chinese drywall remediation cost

This can be the final nail in the coffin. This can be incredibly expensive, as often times you will need to strip out the entire interior of a home. And the worst part is. It makes us wonder if chinese drywall is still being sold?

Chinese drywall 2020

What is remarkable is that Chinese drywall is still an issue. It was in 2019, 2020, and all of the years previous.  chinese drywall in Canada has also been found. chinese drywall Pictures can be found online


Can you live in  a house with chinese drywall? 

You can live in a house with this drywall issue, but it is recommended you get and schedule a chinese drywall Inspection, because it is an environmental health issue. This means it can be detrimental to health to live in for long periods of time. 

Is replacing chinese drywall worth it 

As we know, Toxic Usg Drywall is a major health concern, and having it in your home is not recommended. chinese drywallSymptoms can cause major risks, and it is recommended you find out how to fix chinese drywall. Many people find Class action chinese drywall is a quick fix this issue


What is Chinese drywall?

contaminated plasterboard

Chinese drywall is essentially contaminated plasterboard. This is a building material that is cheap, and quick to use. It is often used for internal walls, where there does not need to be a foundation, or to make sure there is a smooth surface. This drywall is made of gypsum which is kiln dried between two pieces of paper. One would think it is the perfect building material. This is where chinese drywall comes in. This contaminated material actually gives off gases and many health problems. Let us explore this in more detail.


Can you live in a house with Chinese drywall?

Is replacing chinese drywall worth it

Reactive Chinese Drywall emits harmful Hydrogen Sulfide into the in-door air you breathe. Hydrogen Sulfide at certain levels in an indoor environment is known to cause a copper corrosion. See CPSC interim guidance report August, 27, 2010. This corrosion is so invasive it will create microscopic pin holes in your HVAC (copper) cooling coils thereby allowing harmful Freon gas to slowly escape an enter the indoor air you breathe. If it can do all that to your HVAC, just imagine what affect it has on your health. Certainly there are many variables that affect the time-table on how these symptoms surface - temperature, humidity, and indoor/outdoor air exchange all contribute.

The Solution to the Problem:

Inspect and Certify!

Full Tier ll Visual Inspection includes a documented text report of our findings along with photos of evidence collected at the time of inspection. We recommend it as a first step towards having an answer to the question. “Depending on the results of our visual inspection and should results indicate ND (None Detected) further testing will not be recommended, unless requested. We will reveal our opinion and assessment of findings the same day the inspection is completed…” Full Data Tier lll Visual Plus Sample Drywall Inspection include: All of the above - plus a Laboratory Sample Analysis and Test documentation for levels of Elemental Sulfur. Combined and when needed the two inspections provide you with Evidence and certified laboratory proof you need to definitively answer the question. Inspection Protocol is designed to follow guidelines and recommendations made by the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) Interim Guidance Report, August 27th 2010.